CMC Sunday Worship 10.31.21 from Gwen Reiser on Vimeo.
The video above includes the full service, except for the time for sharing.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained through One License with license A-727859.
Order of Worship | Worship and Visual Art
Land Acknowledgement | VT 878
Call to Worship | VT 13 | Isaiah 2:3-4
Peace Candle
VT 44 | We Long to Know Her
Children’s Time
Offering/Dedication Prayer
Scripture | Psalm 19:1-10
Reflections on Worship and Visual Art
VT 12 | Tree of Life by SaeJin Lee
VT 11 | Mountain of God
VT 104 | Sing the Goodness by Meg Harder
VT 103 | Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
VT 230 | We Owe Them a Complicated Debt by Rachel Epp Buller
VT 229 | Unexpected and Mysterious
VT 817 | Migrant Journey by Rafael H Barahona
VT 816 | Guide My Feet
VT 780 | At the Impulse of God’s Love: A Re-envisioning of Dirk Willems Saving His Captor’s Life (1685) by Jan Luykens by Michelle L. Hofer
VT 779 | You’re Not Alone
Silent Reflection
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
Pastoral Prayer
Passing the Peace
Extinguishing the Peace Candle
VT 843 | Kirisuto no heiwa ga (May the Peace of Christ)
Benediction | VT 826 | Numbers 6:24-26
Christian Education | 11:00 am
Thanks to everyone who helped lead today’s service
Reflections | Sarah Werner and Phil Yoder
Worship Leader | Sarah Werner
Music coordination | Phil Yoder
Musicians | Thomas Leonard, Joel Call, Katrina Brown
Children’s Time | Tim Stried
Peace Candle | Coble Family
Scripture Reading | Sarah Werner
Zoom Host | Elisa Leahy
Camera Operator | Joel Copeland
Sound Operator | Tom Blosser
Worship Table | Roberta Gerlach
Greeter | Jenny Campagna
Usher/Sanctuarian | Dan Halterman