Worship | Cultivating Beloved Community | August 15


The video above includes the full service, except for the time for sharing.

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained through One License with license A-727859.

Order of Worship


Land Acknowledgement


We acknowledge we are gathering on land where Miami, Osage, Shawnee, and other Indigenous peoples have lived and labored, fought and loved. We continue to work and pray for justice and conciliation.     

Call to Worship

As we gather, virtually and in-person, we collectively take a full and nourishing in-breath.

God, for our bodies, we give thanks.

Together, we exhale, releasing what needs to be released.

God, for our bodies, we give thanks.

As we inhale, we send oxygen to the parts of our body needing it most.

God, for our bodies, we give thanks.

As we exhale, we breathe out vibrance and passion, sharing our energy where it is needed.

God, for our bodies, we give thanks.

May we be present in our precious bodies. May we notice the stories our bodies carry. May we notice the sensations throughout our bodies. May we honor the sacred and holy wisdom of our bodies.

God, for our bodies, we give thanks.

Peace Candle

VT 1 | Summoned by the God Who Made Us

Children’s Time

Offering/Dedication Prayer

VT 61 | You Are Holy, You Are Whole

Scripture 1 Kings 2:10-12,1 Kings 3:3-14, NIV; John 6:51-58, NRSV

Sermon | Why Mennonites Can’t Dance: Co-Creating Embodied Resilience for the Beloved Community

Silent Reflection

Song | I’ve Got Peace Like a River

Sharing of Joys and Concerns

Pastoral Prayer

Passing the Peace

Extinguishing the Peace Candle

VT 827 | Move in Our Midst




Thanks to everyone who helped lead today’s service

Sermon: Amanda K Gross    

Worship Leader: Bethany Davey

Music Coordination: Phil Yoder

Children’s Time: Bethany Davey

Peace Candle: Julie & Phil Hart

Scripture Reading: Oliver & Eva Davey

Sound: Jim Myers & Tom Blosser

Camera Operator: Joel Copeland

Zoom Host: Elisa Leahy

Greeter: Mark Rupp

Worship Table: Chaska Yoder

Usher & Sanctuarian: Bill Plessinger