Christmas Eve Service | December 24, 2020


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Christmas Eve Worship Service December 24, 2020

The Prelude

Silent night, holy night | Henry Wyse, piano

Joy to the world | Reuben Wyse, piano

Angels we have heard on high | Nina Graber-Nofziger and Katie Graber, violin duet

Go tell it on the mountain | Addy Steiner, xylophone

The Play

Away in a manger | Debra Martin and CMC children, a cappella

O Holy Night | Mira Bixler, cello; Amy Bixler, piano

Christmas Eve Service


Candle Lighting

Call to Worship

HWB 212 | O come, all ye faithful | Congregational recording

First Reading | Isaiah 9:2-7 | Ivan Graber-Nofziger

HWB 206 | Infant holy, Infant lowly | Abbie Miller, vocalist; Joel Miller, guitar

Second Reading | Psalm 96 | Ivan Graber-Nofziger

HWB 191 |  O little town of Bethlehem | Congregational recording

Third Reading | Titus 2:11-14 | Shakita Kabicek

HWB 197 | Angels we have heard on high | Congregational recording

Fourth Reading | Luke 2:1-20 | Shakita Kabicek


HWB 199 | The first Noel | Congregational recording

Pastoral Prayer

HWB 193 | Silent night, holy night | Congregational recording; Alexander Martin, violin; Jim Myers, clarinet

Benediction and Sending


Thanks to those who led our service this evening

Children’s Play Directors | Debra Martin and Parents

Children’s Play Video Editor | Elisa Leahy

Music coordination | Phil Hart

Worship leader | Julie Hart

Zoom host | Elisa Leahy

Slides | Gwen Reiser