The video above includes the service.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained through One License with license A-727859
Order of Service:
Prelude Lord from the depths
Welcome and Orienting Words
Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge we are gathering on land where Miami, Osage, Shawnee, and other Indigenous peoples have lived and labored, fought, and loved. We continue to work and pray for justice and conciliation.
Calling Out
HWB 136 From the depths of sin
Scripture: Isaiah 58:1-4
Prayer of Confession
Assurance of Grace
Preparation and Presentation of the Ashes
VT 632 Dans nos obscurite (Within our darkest night)
Scripture: Isaiah 58:5-8
Intercessory prayer
HWB 348 O Lord, hear my prayer
Scripture: Isaiah 58:9-12
Sending Prayer
Thanks to everyone who helped lead this service:
Worship Leader: Mark Rupp
Music coordination: Martin family
Scripture Reading: Sarah Werner, Katelyn Amstutz, Larry Less
Zoom Host: Gretchen Geyer
Copyright Coordination: Rachel Gratz