Worship in Place | Transformative Play | February 14
The video above includes the full service, except for the time for sharing. For sermon video only: https://vimeo.com/512227518
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained through One License with license A-727859
Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge we are gathering on land where Miami, Osage, Shawnee, and other Indigenous peoples have lived and labored, fought, and loved. We continue to work and pray for justice and conciliation.
Call to Worship
Lighting of the Peace Candle
VT 43 | God, Be the Love to Search and Keep Me | Maya Plessinger, Natalie, Grant Metcalf, Ames Metcalf, Ila Miller, Reuben Wyse, and Leo Wyse, vocals: Phil Hart, guitar
Adult’s Time
Offering/Dedication Prayer https://www.columbusmennonite.org/donateget-involved/donate
VT 808 | Between Darkness and Light | Mira Bixler, cello; Stella Bixler, flute
Scripture | Mark 9:2-9
Sermon | Imagination is a Hill We Climb | For sermon video only: https://vimeo.com/512227518
Silent Reflection
Hymn | Lord of the Dance | Jenny Campagna, voice; Steve Rolfe, bass; Phil Hart, guitar and voice
Sharing of Creativity
Pastoral Prayer
Extinguishing the Peace Candle
Christian Education | 11:00 am
Thanks to everyone who helped lead today’s service
Sermon: Children/Youth
Worship Leader: Phil Yoder
Music coordination: Phil Hart
Adult’s Time: Nina Graber-Nofziger
Peace Candle: Troyer Family
Scripture Reading: Melissa, Tristan, and Katrina Cortes
Zoom Host, video production of sermon: Elisa Leahy
Worship in Place | Jonah | February 7
The video above includes the full service, except for the time for sharing.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained through One License with license A-727859
Order of Worship | Jonah series
Land Acknowledgement
Call to Worship
Peace Candle
VT 838 | La paz de la tierra (The Peace of the Earth Be With You) | Eastern Mennonite University Chamber Singers, directed by Benjamin Bergey
Children’s Time
Mission Moment | Anabaptist Disabilities Network (ADN)
Offering/Dedication Prayer https://www.columbusmennonite.org/donateget-involved/donate
VT 703 | Rain Down | Ken Nafziger and the Journey Musicians
Scripture | Jonah 4
Sermon | Ending with a quest(ion) manuscript below
Silent Reflection
VT 440 | Ask the Complicated Questions | Katie Graber, piano & vocal
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
Pastoral Prayer
Extinguishing the Peace Candle
Cookie Sunday | 11:00 am
Thanks to everyone who helped lead today’s service
Sermon: Joel Miller
Worship Leader: Carolyn May
Music coordination: Katie Graber
Children’s Time: Martha Ruggles
Mission Moment: Tracey Lehman
Peace Candle: Chris and Tim McCarthy
Scripture Reading: Chris and Tim McCarthy
Zoom Host: Sarah Werner
Sermon Manuscript
Ending with a quest(ion) | Joel Miller
This morning we’re going to go for a little hike. No worries, you can do this from the comfort of your home, but you still might want to limber up the muscles of your imagination as we prepare. We can’t take a whole lot with us on this hike, just what we can carry. The usual water and some food will be fine. No need to wear snow boots or even dress in layers. It’s summer, and it’s hot. And since we’re imagining, let’s give ourselves the freedom to even leave our masks behind.
This hike is at the outskirts of a large city. We’re walking away from the outer suburbs. And as we begin, we’ll notice that the terrain has an incline. We’re going up. Get used to it. Getting to higher ground is actually the whole…
Worship in Place | Jonah | January 31
The video above includes the full service, except for the time for sharing.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained through One License with license A-727859
Order of Worship | Jonah series
Land Acknowledgement
Call to Worship
Peace Candle
STS 39 | Will you come and follow me | Quinn Blosser, violin; Tom Blosser, piano and vocal
Children’s Time
Offering/Dedication Prayer https://www.columbusmennonite.org/donateget-involved/donate
Simple Gifts | Tom Blosser, piano
Scripture | Jonah 3
Sermon | Sincerely Yours (text below)
Silent Reflection
VT 636 | Spirit, Open My Heart | Martin family, vocals; Tom Blosser, piano; Quinn Blosser, violin
HWB 471 | Eat this bread | Phil and Julie Hart, Fred and Marlene Suter, vocals
Extinguishing the Peace Candle
Christian Education | 11:00 am
*We practice an open Communion table and all who hunger for God are welcome to participate.
Thanks to everyone who helped lead today’s service
Sermon: Mark Rupp
Worship Leader: Kelsey Ryan-Simkins
Music coordination: Tom Blosser
Children’s Time: Joel Call, Phil Yoder
Peace Candle: Alyssa Graber, Austin McCabe Juhnke, and Marlow Juhnke
Scripture Reading: Ruth Leonard and Lily Miller
Zoom Host: Brent Miller
Sermon Text
Doing a series on the book of Jonah means that my brain has been especially attuned these last few weeks to paying attention to ways that the natural world can have surprising lessons to teach us. Sometimes these lessons simply require us to learn to pay attention a little more closely to the world around us and invite the wisdom of Creation to slowly reveal itself to us, and other times these lessons show up and demand attention by knocking us on our rears or even swallowing us whole. Often it’s a little of both.
Even though the whale–or large fish as is probably more accurate–barely shows up in the story of Jonah, the chapter where Jonah spends three days and nights in its belly acts as a sort…
Worship in Place | Jonah | January 24
The video above includes the full service, except for the time for sharing.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained through One License with license A-727859
Order of Worship | Jonah series
Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge we are gathering on land where Miami, Osage, Shawnee, and other Indigenous peoples have lived and labored, fought, and loved. We continue to work and pray for justice and conciliation.
Call to Worship
Peace Candle
HWB 1 | What is this place | Martin Family
Children’s Time
World Fellowship Sunday – Greetings from the Netherlands: Pastors Jannie Nijwening and Kok Klever; Greetings from Aremenai, Colombia
Offering/Dedication Prayer https://www.columbusmennonite.org/donateget-involved/donate
VT 685 | O Lord, hear my prayer | Martin Family
Scripture | Jonah 2
Sermon | Prayers from lockdown *Manuscript below*
HWB 353 | Lord, listen to your children praying | Jenny Campagna, Jacqui and Ryan Hoke, Phil Hart
Silent Reflection
HWB 367 | For the healing of the nations | Martin Family
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
Pastoral Prayer
Extinguishing the Peace Candle
Christian Education | 11:00 am
Thanks to everyone who helped lead today’s service
Sermon: Joel Miller
Worship Leader: Chaska Yoder
Music coordination: Debra and Galen Martin
Children’s Time: Mark Rupp
Peace Candle: Meaghan Torres
Scripture Reading: Laura Steiner
Zoom Host: Elisa Leahy
Sermon Manuscript
The book of Jonah has four chapters. One of those chapters, chapter 2, a quarter of the book, takes place inside the belly of the big fish. The entire chapter is a prayer.
The fish had made a sudden appearance in the story. Jonah was intentionally sailing away from the city of Nineveh, where he had been called by the Lord to go and preach. But a great storm came over the sea and threatened to break the ship apart. When Jonah tells his ship mates to throw him overboard to calm to sea, there are no indications Jonah plans on surviving. For his part, it’s some…
Worship in Place | Jonah | January 17
CMC Worship Service 1-17-21 from Gwen Reiser on Vimeo.
The video above includes the full service, except for the time for sharing.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained through One License with license A-727859
Order of Worship
Call to Worship
Peace Candle
VT 6 | Let’s walk together
Children’s Time
Mission Moment | Piecemakers
Offering/Dedication Prayer https://www.columbusmennonite.org/donateget-involved/donate
HWB 580 | My life flows on
Scripture | Jonah 1: A dramatic reading
Sermon | When the ship is breaking apart Manuscript below
Silent Reflection
VT 442 | From the waters I will rise
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
Pastoral Prayer
Extinguishing the Peace Candle
Christian Education | 11:00 am
Thanks to everyone who helped lead today’s service
Sermon: Joel Miller
Worship Leader: Kerry Strayer
Music coordination: Phil Yoder
Mission Moment: Judy Hartzler
Children’s Time: Tim Stried
Peace Candle: TBA
Scripture Reading: Wyse Family
Zoom Host: Sarah Werner
Sermon: When the ship is breaking apart
“But Yahweh hurled a great wind upon the sea, and such a mighty storm came upon the sea that the ship threatened to break up” Jonah 1:4
“Sail on, sail on
O mighty Ship of State!
To the Shores of Need
Past the Reefs of Greed
Through the Squalls of Hate” Leonard Cohen in his song “Democracy”
Early in the Christian movement, leaders began using the ship as a metaphor for the church. The imagery goes back to Scripture. The letter of 1 Peter makes a connection between the death and resurrection one experiences through the waters of baptism, and the ark of Noah and his family and the animals that brought them through the flood waters. Before Genesis tells that story, it portrays the world as a watery chaos, similar to other Near Eastern creation myths. “Now the earth was formless and void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from Elohim, the god, swept over the face of…