Worship in Place | June 20
CMC Service, 6/20/21 from Gwen Reiser on Vimeo.
The video above includes the full service, except for the time for sharing.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained through One License with license A-727859.
Sermon Text:
Originally, Joel had asked me to preach on this Sunday because, at the time, there had been some hope that this might be the week we would be returning to in-person worship services. If that had been true, I’m not sure if this lectionary reading from Mark’s gospel would have been as much of a good fit for what I can only imagine would have been a big, celebratory occasion. Instead, we find ourselves still in this time of transition. We now have a clear date in mind and some concrete ideas on how to make that return to in-person happen in the safest way possible, but we are still in transition, figuring out what all needs to be done behind the scenes to get to that new place.
Maybe it is no surprise that we’re still in transition because in many ways the entire last year has felt like one transitory period after another. The initial shock of the pandemic required new ways of doing almost every aspect of life. And then each new season, each new scientific study being released, each new vaccine, and it seems sometimes, each new day brought new transitions our way. For some, these transitions were mostly pain free. Some of us may have even found new ways to thrive as we transitioned to working from home or online schooling. For others, the harm to mental, social, and financial wellbeing were extremely high, let alone the physical toll this pandemic has taken on so, so many.
Early on there…
Care Series | Creation Care | Outdoor Service at Highbanks Metro Park | June 13
The video above includes the full service, except for the time for sharing.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained through One License with license A-727859.
Order of Worship | Caring Series | Caring for Creation
Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge we are gathering on land where Miami, Osage, Shawnee, and other Indigenous peoples have lived and labored, fought, and loved. We continue to work and pray for justice and conciliation.
Call to Worship
VT 145 |Touch the earth lightly
Children’s Time
Offering/Dedication Prayer
VT 182 | I sing the mighty power of God
Licensing of Sarah Werner
Scripture | Psalm 111:2, Ecclesiastes 8:17, Romans 1:20, 1 Corinthians 15:41
Reflection | Gracie Leahy
VT 120 | For the Beauty of the Earth v. 1
Reflection | Doug Luginbill
For the Beauty of the Earth v. 2
Reflection | Kelsey Ryan-Simkins
For the Beauty of the Earth v. 3
Silent Reflection
For the Beauty of the Earth v. 4
Comforter Blessing
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
Pastoral Prayer
Passing the Peace
VT 180 | This Is God’s Wondrous World
Picnic Lunch | Following the service
Thanks to everyone who helped lead today’s service
Reflections: Gracie Leahy, Doug Luginbill, Kelsey Ryan-Simkins
Worship Leader: Jenny Campagna
Licensing of Sarah Werner: Doug Luginbill, Central District Conference, Conference Minister
Music coordination: Katie Graber
Children’s Time: Galen Martin
Scripture Reading: Robin Walton
Comforter Blessing: Joyce Wyse
Zoom Hosts: Elisa Leahy, Mike Ryan-Simkins
Care Series | Community-Care | June 6, 2021
The video above includes the full service, except for the time for sharing.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained through One License with license A-727859.
Order of Worship | Care Series: Community Care
Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge we are gathering on land where Miami, Osage, Shawnee, and other Indigenous peoples have lived and labored, fought, and loved. We continue to work and pray for justice and conciliation.
Call to Worship
Peace Candle
VT 386 | One Is the Body | Sing the Story CD 1
Children’s Time
Offering/Dedication Prayer
Special Music
Scripture | Romans 12:3-13
Reflections on Community Care | Fred Suter, Phil Yoder, Nancy Franke
Silent Reflection
VT 390 | In Christ There Is No East or West | Tom Blosser, Debra and Galen Martin, Elizabeth Martin, Sarah Martin
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
Pastoral Prayer
Passing the Peace
Extinguishing the Peace Candle
Thanks to everyone who helped lead today’s service
Reflections: Fred Suter, Phil Yoder, Nancy Franke
Worship Leader: Sarah Werner
Music coordination: Tom Blosser
Children’s Time: Laurie Zimmerman
Peace Candle: Sarah Werner
Scripture Reading: Sarah Werner
Zoom Host: Mike Ryan-Simkins
Care Series | Self-care | May 30
The video above includes the full service, except for the time for sharing.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained through One License with license A-727859.
Order of Worship | Care Series | Self-care
Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge we are gathering on land where Miami, Osage, Shawnee, and other Indigenous peoples have lived and labored, fought, and loved. We continue to work and pray for justice and conciliation.
Call to Worship
Peace Candle
VT 2 | Uyai mose (Come All You People) | Performed by Mennonite Worship & Song Committee
Children’s Time
Offering/Dedication Prayer
VT 603 | Still My Soul | Text written by Katie Graber. Phil Yoder, vocalist.
Scripture | Psalm 23:1-2; Luke 5:12-16
Reflections on Self-care | Melonie Buller, Tim Armstrong, Kyle Kerley
After each reflection, we will sing one verse of VT 640 | My Shepherd Will Supply My Need | Performed by Eastern Mennonite University Chamber Singers
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
Pastoral Prayer
Passing the Peace
Extinguishing the Peace Candle
Thanks to everyone who helped lead today’s service
Reflections: Melonie Buller, Tim Armstong, Kyle Kerley
Worship Leader: Chaska Yoder
Music coordination: Phil Yoder
Children’s Time: Bethany Davey
Peace Candle: Charlie Shenk and Liz Avendano
Scripture Reading: Oliver and Anna Davey
Zoom Host: Elisa Leahy
“What does this mean?” | May 23 | Pentecost Sunday
5-23-21 worship service from Gwen Reiser on Vimeo.
The video above includes the full service, except for the time for sharing.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained through One License with license A-727859.
“What does this mean?” | 23 May 2021 | Pentecost Sunday
Texts: Ezekiel 37:1-10 Acts 2:1-13
Speaker: Joel Miller
The experience told in Acts 2 is remembered as a beginning.
It’s the day of Pentecost, one of three big pilgrimage festivals that brought Jews to Jerusalem, fifty days after Passover. Just as importantly for those in this story, that period of time was one of tremendous unknowing. One among their ranks, within the inner circle, had betrayed them and their leader. The person they had formed their lives around was dead, and although many of them had encountered Jesus in resurrected form, he was still gone, and there was no clear path forward.
The first chapter of Acts deals with these two matters. The disciples witness the resurrected Jesus taken up into a cloud and out of sight, gone from their midst. And the extended group that had been devoted to Jesus’ way, about 120 people we are told, men and women, choose another leader, named Matthais, to replace Judas.
Acts chapter 2 begins: “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.” And they..all could very well imply those 120 we were just told about. It’s a decent sized group, perhaps about the same size we are this morning, with our technological version of “all together in one place.”
What happens next is remembered as a beginning: A sound like the rush of a violent wind; divided tongues of fire appearing and resting on each one of them – each and every one of them. …