Impending D(Bl)oom

Impending D(Bl)oom

You have made the moon to mark the seasons; the sun knows its times for setting.”  Psalm 104:19

The Psalmist takes comfort in the regularity of the seasons, even the daily rising and setting of the sun.  They celebrate it as a sign of Divine faithfulness amidst the uncertainties of life.

Today is the spring equinox.  Which is another way of saying that there are large forces in motion – beyond our control – bringing about the lengthening of the days, the warming of the air, and the re-greening of earth.  At our house there are yellow tulips up, magnolias out, and fruit trees’ buds starting to swell.

If the title of the blog doesn’t make sense, it’s supposed to be a play on “Impending Doom” with the D crossed out and a Bl added.  It’s springtime, the season of impending bloom.  Thanks be to God for large forces in motion, for the life that has been with us all along, soon to show itself in full bloom.
