If you missed our Winter Seminar a few weeks ago, you missed out on some great conversations about practical ideas for how we as individuals and as a congregation can practice care for Creation. Amy Huser, the Sustainability and Outdoor Education Director from Camp Friedenswald, led the seminar on Saturday and preached on Sunday morning.
During the Sunday morning service, Amy invited everyone to write down their own commitments to Creation Care and place them in the offering. I have compiled those offerings, and I wanted to pass them along both as a reminder of the things we have committed to and as a way of letting everyone see the kinds of things others are being inspired to do. I tried to organize the long list into a few different headings and when there were multiple people making the same/similar commitment, I noted the total number in parentheses.
What other commitments might you add?
Creation Care Commitments:
- Eat vegetarian more often (8)
- Compost (8)
Recycle (5)
- Yard waste
- Glass/plastics
- Paper (2)
- Electronics and batteries
- Reuse for crafts with kids
- Foster simplicity (3)
- Reduce trash
- Eliminate single use plastic use
- Reduce Amazon orders
- Keep thermostat set low
- Convince my laboratory to use less helium
Reduce reliance on fossil fuels
- Hybrid/electric cars (4)
- Solar power for home (4)
- Drive less (5)
- Bike (3)
- Request renewable energy from AEP
- Replace old light bulbs with LED (2)
Reuse (4)
- Reuse plastic bags when buying fresh produce at store
- Donate items
- Replace single use items with reusable ones
- Wear second hand clothes and keep clothes longer
- Use cloth napkins
- Utilize a water/rain barrel (3)
- Clean up trash (5)
- Check into new paper sources for the office
- Make my own cat food
Enjoy nature:
- Introduce children and adults to the joys of birding
- Spend more time with kids outside
- Take meditative walks in nature
- Expand garden (3)
Political/Community Action: (4)
- Help get a Creation Care small group started
- Post positive research and suggested action in social media (non-judgemental)
- Support nature organizations
- Call Senators and congressional reps
- Attend a rally
- Teach kids about carbon cycle and greenhouse effect
- Join local community’s sustainable FB page
- Tell truth
- Read Mary Oliver
- Don’t use pesticides
- Use eco-friendly detergent
- Make good art
- Cook more whole foods and buy fewer convenience foods to minimize plastics
- Make a certified wildlife refuge in the yard
- Cultivate joy