CDC Siblings Gather

Last Thursday through Saturday, five of us from CMC represented the congregation at the Central District Conference annual meeting.  Our biennial theme is “Listen! Wisdom is Calling.”

I have long appreciated that the conference sees its congregations, in the words of a key document, as “something like a family of adult sisters and brothers.”  That’s in contrast to a more hierarchical model of bishops.  While we do have a wonderful Conference Minister and other gifted staff, not having a parent-figure in the polity means we are as strong as our relationships.  Annual meeting is the place where we tell congregational stories, give and receive counsel, learn and worship together.   

This year I was aware that I am currently something of a conference middle child – like in my family of origin.  I appreciate the wisdom of elder individuals and congregations like the delegate who reminded us that, even though we aren’t passing any resolutions this year, a 2015 resolution laments that “We have settled into a state of perpetual war with which we are too readily at peace.”  And it’s heartening to meet young pastors and hear from congregations like St. Louis, Knoxville, and Archbold choosing to join the conference because of our commitment to peace theology and belonging. 

This is how I regularly experience conference - a family of adult siblings, committed to listening and learning and laughing with one another, where everyone has wisdom to give and receive.
