Daily Connector | Because of love | Elizabeth Speidel
This picture is of a piece of art that has always moved me. It is a statue commissioned by Henry Adams for his wife Clover’s grave. Augustus St. Gaudens created it. I recently learned that Adams advised Saint-Gaudens to contemplate iconic images from Buddhist devotional art. One such subject, Guan…
Daily Connector | I wonder | Dan Lehman
Not long ago I had the occasion to write the Editor’s Notes for River Teeth: A Journal of Nonfiction Narrative, the creative nonfiction journal a colleague and I have edited since 1999. I wrote on April 22, but knew the production and printing typical for these sorts of journals would…
Counteracting anti-Semitism
Last Thursday I attended a webinar organized by Faith in Public Life Ohio called “Counteracting Anti-Semitism and Dangerous Narratives in the Time of COVID-19.” The call included several rabbi friends from the Columbus area with whom we partner in BREAD. After the call I had an email exchange with Rabbi…
Daily Connector | How I took a vacation and changed my life during the pandemic | Michele Dicke
Listening to self-care techniques so much recently, I challenged myself to listen. It seemed there were many broken threads from things I used to do – face-to-face visits with neighbors and friends, walks on the beach seeing new turtle nesting sites, eating out. I was feeling frazzled and frayed. My…
Daily Connector | My hero | Cindy Fath
From the vantage point of today, February feels like 100 years ago. I also tabulated how many weeks I’ve been doing virtual classes from home, and I think this is the 10th week. It feels like only a minute. As weeks stack atop weeks, dates and events begin to blur…