

Remember your baptism

Phloem and Xylem: Remember your baptism September 25, 2013 This weekend is the church retreat at Camp Luz.  Along with the fun and recreation, we’ll be celebrating two baptisms.  Tennison G and Andrew N will be baptized during the Sunday morning worship service, accompanied respectively by their sponsors Austin K…

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Daily words

I’m not one to flood my inbox with email subscriptions, but there are two daily meditations that regularly feed my soul.  One is from Richard Rohr, a Franciscan priest who is a prolific writer and speaker.  He writes out of a Christian framework, but draws frequently from other wisdom traditions…

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Young to old in five minutes

OK, so here’s a fresh internet meme to pass along, posted today on HuffPost.  It’s a five minute time-lapse video simulation of a young girl aging into an old woman, showing just her face.  It’s pretty remarkable. A few thoughts after watching it: + the face has its own beauty in all stages…

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John Howard Yoder and sexual violence

In the last couple months there have been some significant and substantive conversations going on regarding the most prominent Mennonite theologian of the last half century – John Howard Yoder.  There are strong calls being made for the church and its institutions to more publicly come to terms with the…

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Safely dead?

Today – today! – is the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington.  Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech symbolizes the sentiment and power of that historic event.  Hopefully you’ve had opportunity to tune in to any of the number of commemorations going on today and this…

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