

Twelve and Six Scriptures

I took a break from this weekly blog during Lent because of the daily devotions series. Many thanks to those of you who shared your thoughts and insights in what turned out to be a wonderfully eclectic and soul-affirming journey. And now we’re into the Easter season. One of the…

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Remember that you are dust

“Remember that you are dust, and to dust you will return.” The season of Lent begins today, Ash Wednesday.  In case we had forgotten, these words spoken over us re-awaken us to our mortality.  Our bodies come from the stuff of the earth, and it is to this earth that…

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Getting to the Why

This Sunday is the final one before Lent and is known as Transfiguration Sunday, when the church remembers Jesus’ mystical light-infused encounter with Elijah and Moses on top of the mountain… Last week I had a lunch conversation with two Episcopal minister friends.  One of them said he’d been thinking…

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Confessing faith

These last couple weeks I’ve been flipping through Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective, a booklet written in 1995, composed of 24 brief articles and commentary, including God, Jesus Christ, Scripture, Baptism, The Lord’s Supper, etc.   This Sunday I will start teaching the youth catechism class and plan to…

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The arts, rising

Last Friday and Saturday our family headed down to Cincinnati for the biennial Mennonite Arts Weekend.  It was of course special to see friends from our seven years of living and pastoring in the city.  And it is always special to be a part of that weekend gathering which welcomes Mennonite artists from…

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