

What do you want?

So, what do you want? The last couple days Abbie and I have asked this question to each other as Christmas approaches.  This is not the first time the question has come up this season.  We’ve already passed around some lists with family members to prepare for gift exchanges.  I…

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Joyfully Unafraid

Two weekends ago, Joel and I both had the opportunity to be a part of Fabulous, Fierce, and Sacred: A Gathering of Anabaptist lgbtqa* Community in Chicago, and I wanted to take some time to reflect on that experience.  For those that don’t know, the conference was planned by various…

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On this Eve of Thanksgiving I’m grateful to be surrounded by love, and grateful for the opportunity to journey with you all through the seasons of life. Thanksgiving weekend has become the major get together for my side of the family and we will be heading out to Bellefontaine tomorrow…

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No fear in love

Greetings from Bluffton, Ohio.  This week I am the speaker for Spiritual Life Week at Bluffton University which also comes with the perk of getting to hang out with various students, faculty, and staff.  The theme for the week, which we chose way back in the summer, is “No fear…

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I just completed reading (listening to, audio-book) 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus by Charles C. Mann (thanks for the loan Phil H).  One of the best things this book does is to question, and more often dismantle, commonly held myths about the Americas and the people who…

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