

Discerning gifts

Last evening the Gifts Discernment Committee met at church.  This is the group charged with inviting members to serve on various Commissions each year.  This is the group thankful for the strong response received from the Gifts Discernment forms in which you named people you felt were gifted to lead…

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Doing justice

Doing justice is hard work.  It’s hard figuring out how to do it and it’s hard to do.  It’s slow moving and tiring.  It usually involves just showing up, which isn’t necessarily all that fulfilling in itself. One of the things that we at CMC have going for us is…

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What we don’t see

This Sunday we will celebrate six jr. youth coming of age.  The scripture they have chosen to shape the worship theme is Jeremiah 1:1-14.  After an initial call from the Lord to Jeremiah, and Jeremiah’s response that he is too young and cannot speak, the Lord asks him a question:…

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Commitment and the Art of Mentoring

In a few weeks, on February 1, six of the youth in our congregation will be leading us in the Coming of Age Celebration.  As part of that worship service, we will also be kicking off the Mentoring Program by officially matching up each of the youth with a mentor…

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Borrowing faith

This past weekend I attended the Music and Worship Leaders Retreat at Laurelville Mennonite Church Center in western PA.  The theme was PastPresentFuture, focused on bringing our whole selves into worship, and that worship itself is an act of extending our selves back into traditions we have inherited and forward…

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