

Important Work

(This is my first foray into the world of mid-week blogging, so I apologize for turning it into a late-to-mid-week blog instead.  If you’re anything like me, the weekend still feels far enough away that it might as well still be midweek. I welcome your comments.)   A couple weeks…

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An open tent

“To you who wakens all who sleep and stirs all those who slumber, who gives speech to those who cannot speak, who frees the captive and upholds the falling, who makes upright those bent down – to you alone we offer thanks.” This morning there are songs and chants of…

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A baby and a new front door

For the last half year we have been plodding along in the creation of a new church website, working with the good folks at LightSky who were recommended to us through Central District Conference.  Because the church staff has worked on it little by little and watched it slowly take…

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This ordinary time

Although we haven’t been following the lectionary readings for Sunday worship this summer, it is worth remembering that this is the season of Ordinary Time. This is the space between Pentecost and Advent in which we are neither immediately anticipating Christ’s birth nor death. Easter has happened. Pentecost has happened….

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