

Bicycle power

Today I attended a lunch conversation at the Columbus Metropolitan Club.  CMCer Jane Scott is President and CEO and was a gracious host at her CMC.  Among other things, Columbus Metropolitan Club hosts weekly Wednesday lunches which are community conversations across a range of topics.  Today’s topic: Bicycle Power: On…

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Worshiping as a guest

This past Sunday was part of a week of spring vacation.  For obvious reasons, I don’t often get to experience worship at other congregations.  Our family spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the cathedral of the southern Ohio forest looking for wildflowers, but in the morning I took Eve and…

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Giving and withholding blessing

­­­­­ For the last six years I’ve served on the Ministerial Committee of Central District Conference.  We oversee credentialing of pastors and chaplains, and give support to CDC pastors and our conference minister, Lois Kaufmann.  Along with the other committees and the board of CDC, we meet twice a year…

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Prophetic Ministry

On Monday, I had the opportunity to attend a one-day conference at The Methodist Theological Seminary in Ohio that was focused on how people of faith can engage in prophetic ministry through organizing and preaching for social justice.  This broad topic was explored in many different and helpful ways throughout…

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  Easter Sunday is past, but the liturgical season of Easter is only beginning, running up through Pentecost Sunday, May 15.  During this Easter season our worship theme will be “Conversions.” The plural is intentional.  We’ll be looking at different conversion stories in scripture and in more recent history, beginning…

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