Apocalypse Now?
One of the last things my husband and I did before the realities of social distancing set in was to have dinner with his sister and her family. The topic of conversation turned to the coronavirus, and at some point someone said, “It all feels so apocalyptic.” Without missing a…
Lent is a season for slowing down and focusing on what matters most. For many people this entails “giving up” something. This act of fasting can be a way to practice discipline, to free up space in our lives, or simply to stop doing something that we know is not…
Creation Care Commitments
If you missed our Winter Seminar a few weeks ago, you missed out on some great conversations about practical ideas for how we as individuals and as a congregation can practice care for Creation. Amy Huser, the Sustainability and Outdoor Education Director from Camp Friedenswald, led the seminar on Saturday…
These Holy Days
This year I’ve been trying to stop myself whenever I refer to the Friday after Thanksgiving as “Black Friday.” Sometimes it just comes out, but each time it does, I find that it catches in my throat. When the words tumble out, I pause and consider how the “biggest shopping…
Abstinence Pledge
Our worship series on healthy sexuality wrapped up at the end of October. If you missed any of those services, you can find the sermons posted on our website. While that series was going, the High School Sunday School class was using a companion curriculum to explore the same themes…
Coming Out, Inviting In
This Friday, October 11, is National Coming Out Day. The idea of “coming out” has an interesting history that has shifted over time. The more prevalent understanding for today is built around the idea of “coming out of the closet” where the closet represents a hidden, secretive place from which…
What is Formation?
A few months back, the Christian Education Commission and I organized a workshop that was meant to help clarify the purposes of Christian Formation and set some goals to help move us toward our vision for Christian formation with children and youth. The congregation as a whole has been doing…
Last week I, along with a number of other people from CMC, attended the biennial Mennonite Church USA Convention in Kansas City, Missouri. These conventions are always packed full of good conversations with friends, meaningful worship services, challenging and thought-provoking seminars, and lots and lots of walking (my step counter…
Rainbow Christ
Let me start by offering our yearly reminder that the original Pride Parade was not a parade but a march to commemorate the riots that broke out in response to police brutality against the queer community. This year will be the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots. As we wave…
[This week’s midweek blog comes from our new pastoral intern, Scott Litwiller.] Providing hospitality is one of my favorite spiritual disciplines. Cooking and preparing a meal allows me the opportunity to pause and meditate on, or pray for, those who are coming for dinner. Once they have arrived, I…