Giving Up _______ for Lent
Last week our oldest daughter asked me what I am giving up for Lent. This is something I often do, but I completely forgot about it this year. So, on the spot, I said I’m giving up despair. After thinking about it a bit more, I’m sticking to it. Part…
Finding the Land
During Sunday’s children’s time I shared about the LandBack campaign of NAICCO (Native American Indian Center of Central Ohio). They are one of two organizations to which we release our Reparative Debt Payments, part of our annual congregational budget. The other organization is called Land of the Freed. They are led by Paisha…
Confession of Faith
This past Saturday our family attended Mennonite Arts Weekend in Cincinnati, a biennial event we haven’t missed since 2008. It’s always a beautiful mix of art, inspiration, food, and connection. Mark your calendars for February 5-7, 2027. One of my favorite presenters was the poet Julia Baker. She talked about poetry as a…
A Big Anniversary, A Living Movement
Yesterday, January 21, was the big anniversary, 500 years. On that day in 1525, a small group gathered in a home in Zurich, Switzerland. The City Council had just passed an ordinance forbidding further deliberation on baptism, requiring dissidents to have their children baptized and join the official Reformed church. …