Daily Connector | A Box of stuff | Tim McCarthy
It is just a box full of stuff, right? Maybe, maybe not. I often worry that I am missing something. Not that I have misplaced something, but that I am not seeing or understanding something important. As a young adult I worried about the biblical references of following false prophets….
Daily Connector | Picture this | Tom Blosser

My Dad, who is 95, went into an assisted living/retirement facility in March, the same week the governor shutdown all visitation in and out of assisted living facilities. It was a prudent and necessary action, but it’s been very hard on Dad and our family as a whole. The first…
Daily Connector | Discovering my Polish Roots: The Pictures | Larry Less

Picking up with the discovery that I had a Great Uncle named John Lesh and a picture from Dresden, Ohio, I searched Census records and found that John and his wife, Tillie, had lived in Lorain, Ohio their entire lives. My Mom’s youngest sister, Rosemary, who was about 10 at…
Daily Connector | Spring is in the air | Marlene Suter

I’m dreaming of spring. I know, it’s only October, but this is the time of year when I plant spring-flowering bulbs and anticipate those first few days of warm sunshine and signs of new life. Spring is hands-down my favorite season, and my love for spring flowers is a big…
Daily Connector | What I Found Challenging and Difficult | Dan Halterman
The prompt was “what I find challenging or difficult now.” A recent experience was and is difficult and challenging. Nearly weekly since mid-June, I’ve biked with my signs to Cleveland Avenue and shared their messages – “…and justice for ALL” and “Know Justice, Know Peace.” The latter adds a bit…
Daily Connector | Stillness & a Cup of Coffee | Lavonne van der Zwaag
Recently I was surprised with a package from Julia Cameron. In it was an advance copy of her new book, The Listening Path: The Creative Art of Attention, scheduled to be released on January 12, 2021. In her introductory letter accompanying the book Cameron writes, “The listening path…asks us to…
Daily Connector | Discovering my Polish Roots: The Letter | Larry Less

The Polish history of my family has been shrouded in mystery. My Grandfather Marcin (Martin) Les(s) immigrated from Poland in 1912, travelling alone at the age of 19 as I learned from a passenger list of the steamer Cincinnati that departed from Hamburg. He died when I was about a…
Daily Connector | Mentorship Companion Piece | Zac Coble

Part 2 (WARNING: Contains Star Wars puns and some Star Wars references) Early this year before quarantine, my mom asked me if I wanted a mentor. I said yes almost immediately because my sister seemed to be having fun with it, I love church, and I love socialization. A week…
Daily Connector | Mentoring and Connecting during the time of COVID | Bill Plessinger

Part 1 WARNING: Copious Star Wars References follow… A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, you could mingle with others freely without masks and fear of sickness or death. We all long to return to that world someday. One of my charges before the world went sideways…
Daily Connector | Stories in a Recipe Box | Nancy Franke
Evidently one of the things that quarantine has resulted in is a renewed interest in or necessity for cooking. I wouldn’t say that has led me to becoming more of a chef, but it did get me to thinking about all the recipes I have gathered through the years and…