Daily Connector | How COVID has impacted my life | Jim Fath

We all have stories to tell about how our lives have changed as a result of this pandemic.  Some of you have asked, so I will tell of my particular journey.  Mine starts with maybe having contracted the illness in late March–who knows how and when it will end.  Soon…

Daily Connector | Epiphany here, there, then, now | Dan Halterman

January 6 is the end of Christmas.  That’s what I learned as a child.  My family tradition was to keep the tree up until Epiphany. I thought it strange that so many others had bare trees on the devil strip on December 26 (having tired of the thing after putting…

Daily Connector | On the third day of Christmas…one Snowy Owl| Ruth Massey

On the Sunday afternoon following Christmas, I met Christina, Jen, Natalie and Maya at Alum Creek spillway to see the ‘resident’ snowy owl. Snowy owls nest and spend their summers on the Arctic tundra. During winter, owls will move south into Canada. During irruption years, they will also show up…

Daily Connector | Three Large Birds for Christmas | Ruth Massey

With the winter school break, I have had more opportunity to take long walks and to be in places where birds might be. Here is the account of the first of the three large birds I encountered. Note: The idea to write these essays was probably influenced by helping Natalie…

Daily Connector | Incremental Living | Ann Snyder

As some of you are aware, I have sarcoidosis, which is an inflammatory disorder of unknown etiology.  It can affect any organ of the body, but in my case, has primarily affected my eyes and lungs.  Fortunately, my eyes have been stable recently. However, my lungs have been on a…

Daily Connector | Advent to me | Bill Plessinger

When people talk about universal languages, music is usually mentioned. These last couple weeks I have been listening to a lot of 102.5 on the radio, and their selection of Musica Latina. I enjoy the prolific use of accordions, because it reminds me of the music of Weird Al Yankovic…

Daily Connector | Year-end donating | Joann Knapke

The excited anticipation of Christmas is always juxtaposed with a bombardment of requests from organizations begging for year-end donations from a hoped-for sense of generosity and a surplus of savings. How do you decide where and how much to donate? Do you have a formula that you follow to give…

Daily Connector | Silent Night in a Plague Year | Sarah Werner

I almost forgot to turn it on 6:28 on Christmas Eve and I was busy washing dishes from dinner She asked, ‘what about your church service?’ And I started, and wiped my hands on the dish towel not wanting to be late. On the screen a room full of boxes…

Daily Connector | UGH.. another gratitude journal | Brent Miller

If you are like me, there are certain buzzwords out there in the world that elicit a visceral response that can ruin your day. If I get invited one more time to “mastermind (used as a verb) about potential innovation that can 10X our vertical growth by leveraging human assets…