Daily Connector | A List of Things I’ve Seen During COVID-19 | Joel Call
A man who walks in circles around the block at the food pantry where I work. I see him most days. Some days I say hello. A 40% increase in the number of new families we’ve been serving at the pantry. Lots and lots of canned goods….
Daily Connector | Kick the Can | Jim Myers

Matthew 19:14 but Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” The Twilight Zone was one of my favorite TV programs in the 1960’s. Except for his ever present dangling cigarette, I continue to admire Rod Serling…
Daily Connector | Blessed | Ryan Schellenberg

My apocalypse has been strangely tranquil. At first I thought it was the calm before the storm. And maybe it will be. But for now, at least, life at our home feels like a sort of extra-long weekend, each day at least part Saturday, unhurried. Shedding the kids’ activities, our…
Daily Connector | New Normal | Dan Halterman
A favorite from my list of quotes is Wordsworth’s “Tell me, what has become clear to you since we last met?” It seems so perfectly invitational and is still classy after 200 years of war, famine, disease, manipulation – the normal state of humanity. A news article from a month…
Daily Connector | Why Are You Sad, O My Soul? | Jim Leonard
Near the end of March, there was a stretch of several days when I was feeling pretty blue, and I was acting that way. Although I do get blue now and then, it was unusual for me to stay in a funk for several days. “Why are downcast, O my…
Daily Connector | Silent screaming into the void | Jeff Lookabaugh

In these latter-day, Degenerate times, Cherry-blossoms everywhere! -Kobayashi Issa In early January, I lost my voice. At first I thought it would be temporary; I’d go through a few days of forced silence and then back to normal. A month in it was worse, not better, and then it disappeared…
Daily Connector | Oopsies! | David Emch
When I signed up to write for the Connector I was still in the honeymoon phase of this whole mess. I was working full-time, doing continuing education (and taking notes), facetiming friends, cleaning my house, and in general feeling like I was going to come through this thing well-rested and…
Daily Connector | A new routine | Larry Less

Ever since I moved from semi-retirement after a career as an Ohio labor economist to full-time “retirement” about 3 years ago, I have fallen into a ‘typical’ routine. That means getting up about 7:30 every morning, feeding the feral cats, breakfast, and the comics. Then I head out to ‘my’…
Daily Connector | Wait | Becca Lachman
If ever there was a time asking for more psalms to be written, I believe it’s now. I share one of mine with you, both because some of the lines hold fresh meaning in our world today, and in the hopes it might help or inspire you in some small…
Daily Connector | Riding the waves | Eliz Speidel

My daughter Ella and I started coming to CMC just a few weeks before in-person services stopped so many of you do not know us. Reading the Daily Connector emails has not just been feeding my soul but also a beautiful way to get to know this community. I…