Daily Connector | My hero | Cindy Fath

From the vantage point of today, February feels like 100 years ago.  I also tabulated how many weeks I’ve been doing virtual classes from home, and I think this is the 10th week.  It feels like only a minute.  As weeks stack atop weeks, dates and events begin to blur…

Daily Connector | Boxes bring joy | Chris McCarthy

David Emch wrote in his May 12 Connector article “Most things in life make us feel more than one emotion we’re feeling in each individual moment.” On the day I signed up for the Connector, I was feeling joy. Most of us have seen a child open a new toy…

Daily Connector | Blessed | Samantha Allen

I am blessed.   I know, in this age of social media and shallow hashtags, that the word blessed has taken on some negative connotations recently, but I am reclaiming its beautiful, sacred applicability to my life. I am blessed in more ways than I can count – let me…

Daily Connector | God has us | Cora Kuyvenhoven

Hello Dear Columbus Mennonite Church It is so good to stay in touch with you all through the communicator and Euchre games:) Martin has been helping me record various pieces for my students to listen to , to share within church services and to send to friends and family. Here…

Daily Connector | My Fair-Weather Neighbors | Jim Myers

They arrive in early spring and take up residence next to me.  I have tried to meet them but they seem shy and aloof and quickly leave.  In my comings and goings, they yield to me and move out of my way.  Sometimes I tiptoe toward the house, thinking I…

Daily Connector | The big picture | Lavonne van der Zwaag

Last week my manager asked my co-workers and myself to contemplate several questions from an organizational, team and personal perspective. The following are the questions we were given for a personal “inward reflection”: • What did I learn about myself?  • What do I want to ensure I continue?   •…

Daily Connector | Hold the tension | David Emch

The rains came! Here in Thailand, from somewhere around mid-November until mid-April we don’t see any rain. And, in the midst of no rain the farmers begin to burn their old crops. The pollution gets pretty bad. Really bad, actually. As soon as April comes we start to check the…