Daily Connector | A Silver Lining | Marlene Suter
I consider myself an optimistic person, so when challenging circumstances come my way, I try to find the ‘silver linings’. They’re almost always there, and noticing them helps me feel more grounded and hopeful in troubled times. I’m grateful that I’ve…
Daily Connector | Technical Debt | Tim Armstrong

In software, we have a nasty, hidden source of problems called technical debt. Tech debt is the work left undone at time of delivery; when something is done quickly or cosmetically rather than correctly. In the short term, customers love software accruing tech debt because it means they get their…
Daily Connector | Blessing in the Chaos | Submitted by Lavonne vander Zwaag
“Blessing in the Chaos” by Jan Richardson To all that is chaotic in you, let there come silence. Let there be a calming of the clamoring, a stilling of the voices that have laid their claim on you, that have made their home in you, that go with you even…
Daily Connector | Getting some fresh air | Erin Kelty

I have spent more time outside in the past 3 months than perhaps in the past 15 years. As a kid I played outside all day every day and could go a week without putting on a pair of shoes. I don’t remember any exact moment of transformation, but somehow…
Daily Connector | Summer, not normal | Jenny Campagna

There is no normal it seems to me with COVID19 and the next thing coming, whatever it may be. This week it is protests and violent police response as the dearth of national leadership is again spotlighted. In my mental health/grief interview with Mark, I talked of imagining fireflies of…
Daily Connector | Making yogurt again | Sarah Werner

Back in late March I was bemoaning on Facebook the constant lack of unflavored yogurt at the grocery store. Yogurt, plain, is a staple of my diet since I have it for breakfast every morning, and I was feeling disoriented enough with everything else. I didn’t want to lose yogurt…
Daily Connector | To build a new life | Kayla Fuller
Coronavirus Double pneumonia On vent for 20 days Femoral artery blew At least 6 units of blood Hemoglobin and blood pressure tanked In hospital for a month and a half Huge wound to pack and heal. Delusions really scary and confusing. No voice Asthma kicked up Glasses lost, adding to…
Daily Connector | A slice of life | Larry Less

Being a member of CMC for just about 3 years now, I have really enjoyed reading the stories that everyone has been sharing on the ‘Daily Connector.’ I have felt like I have gotten to know many of you so much better and in a more intimate way than is…
Daily Connector | Because of love | Elizabeth Speidel

This picture is of a piece of art that has always moved me. It is a statue commissioned by Henry Adams for his wife Clover’s grave. Augustus St. Gaudens created it. I recently learned that Adams advised Saint-Gaudens to contemplate iconic images from Buddhist devotional art. One such subject, Guan…
Daily Connector | I wonder | Dan Lehman

Not long ago I had the occasion to write the Editor’s Notes for River Teeth: A Journal of Nonfiction Narrative, the creative nonfiction journal a colleague and I have edited since 1999. I wrote on April 22, but knew the production and printing typical for these sorts of journals would…