Daily Connector | Arrows | Jenny Campagna

I have been feeling badly about not protesting for Black Lives Matter. I worry about my health issues, my twelve years’ older partner and her health issues. Dan Halterman, my neighbor, is a protest parade of one which seems fairly safe. He passes by my house and I’m not there…
Daily Connector | Finding my roots – Part 1 | Larry Less

In my first Daily Connector in April, I shared about my Polish heritage and introduced you to Dublin’s Kosciuszko Park. When I was working, I did not have much of an interest in genealogy. Meanwhile Sally would sit down with my Grandmother on most of our trips to Pittsburgh, gather…
Daily Connector | A Gift | by Ruth Massey
The first two months after the Stay at Home order were pretty intense. The decision was made that Natalie would live with Ajay and I for a few weeks. This was to decrease our exposure since Christina was working in a health care organization, and so we could give Natalie…
Daily Connector | Bright spots | Jeri Arent
During the beginning of this pandemic and shutdown, I must confess, I was not personally affected like some. I had open heart surgery just as things were shutting down and so, it was a good time to recover since I was supposed to stay home anyway. At first, I was…
Daily Connector | Communication | Kerry Strayer

I am not a fan of online education and haven’t been for a long time, long before it became how we had to deliver classes during this pandemic. Years ago, I was disparaging a school that provided primarily online classes. A friend laughed and said, “You’re just worried you’ll lose…
Daily Connector | Moments of beauty | Verdene Thompson

When I consider what has sustained me during this difficult time, what comes to mind are moments of beauty in nature. When Gary and I decided several years ago to spend the wintertime near my family in Arizona, one of the things that excited us was exploring the west. As…
Daily Connector | My pandemic life | Becky Waybill

I’ve really appreciated everyone’s sharing and all the work that has gone into the Daily Connector and weekly worship services. Although I’ve never responded to someone’s Daily Connector, I’ve really enjoyed reading about your lives and am so thankful that you shared. It takes a village, people! And it’s one…
Daily Connector | In the dark groping for light | Linda Mercadante

At first I thought I would “use” the quarantine to clean out some cupboards and do a lot of writing, but that’s not what happened. Instead, we adopted a kitty, I taught him how to meow (he was voiceless when we first got him) and I mastered the art of…
Daily Connector | Window into our world | Diane Mueller

Every day the world Is teaching me what I need to know to be in the world… …in the stir of too much motion: Hold still. Be quiet. Listen.” From the essay “Still” in the book Late Migrations by Margaret Renkl April 12, 2020 (Easter Sunday), I started a new…
Daily Connector | Maintaining Sunday school connection | Dan Halterman
I was the Middler SS teacher for about 75% of the Sunday School year, wonderfully and ably supported by Abbie Miller and Shelly Beiting who provided weekly snack and a bit of non-boy balance to the enterprise that had 10 strapping, bright, creative, thoughtful, funny, and energetic guys on the…