Daily Connector | Staying Busy | Jacob Reiser

Hi Everyone! I have been off work from my job in the cafeteria at The Wellington School in Upper Arlington since mid-March, but I have been keeping busy. I have been biking or walking outside every day and also exercising 5 days each week using either the stationary bike or…

Daily Connector | Quilting for MCC | Judy Hartzler

On Wednesday, July 29, Marlene Suter and I took the rest of the 224 comforters Piecemakers made during the 2019-2020 year to MCC Connections in Kidron.  (We had not been able to fit all of them into two vehicles when we drove up seven weeks ago.)  We also took the…

Daily Connector | A hop off bike, pick up shovel | Dan Halterman

For ten years I biked home from work, 7 miles up High Street.  A bike route no longer than that was one house hunting need last year, and I enjoyed a 6-mile ride home daily until the Covid lockdown. The shortest route took me up Cleveland Avenue to 17th, then…

Daily Connector | Ballroom Dancing | Larry Less

During this pandemic, we lament the loss of ballroom dancing.  Square dancing was very popular in the 1970s while I was stationed at Minot AFB, ND.  In between the squares, the caller would “cue” round dances.  Round dancing is choreographed ballroom dancing to a particular popular song and covers all…

Daily Connector | Try writing a parable | Paul Knapke

The theme for our worship services for 7 Sundays in July and August is Parables.  The parables told by Jesus in the bible are familiar to us, but can new parables be used to teach spiritual truths in the current day?  Worship Commission decided to invite writers to create modern-day…

Daily Connector | Comfort and connection | Nancy Franke

This was Family Center week.  Our fourth month of providing food for dinner but with no personal contact with either those whom we so enjoy serving alongside of, or the families we so enjoy seeing relish the crispy chicken tenders, homemade macaroni and cheese, “Daddy green beans”, and the best…

Daily Connector | Life in the slow lane | Julie Hart

When I decided to semi-retire from teaching at Ohio Dominican last May, I gathered advice from retired friends.  I heard, establish a daily routine and don’t make any major volunteer commitments for a year as you discover a new rhythm.  So, I eased into retirement by teaching just two courses…

Daily Connector | Join in the singing | Judy Hartzler

As I was reading the latest edition of The Mennonite which describes the selection process for our new hymnal Voices Together as well as the part music has played in the lives and congregations of various contributors, I thought back to some of the hymns that have been so significant…