Too many good things for one to hold

Yesterday I attended the monthly Interfaith Justice Table that brings Central Ohio clergy and nonprofit and community leaders together around pertinent issues and excellent breakfast casserole.  I’ve written about this gathering before.  It’s usually an eclectic agenda and this was no exception.

Rev. Dan Clark discussed the One Person One Vote campaign against Issue 1, and Rev. Dr. Susan Smith invited everyone to register to serve as an Election Peacekeeper, which includes training in de-escalation tactics.

We heard about an upcoming interfaith road trip led by Imran Malik of the Noor Islamic Cultural Center, headed down to Cincinnati to see the Holocaust and Humanity Center

Shaun Tucker presented about efforts to extend broadband access across rural Ohio.

Paisha Thomas spoke about her new nonprofit, Land of the Freed.  She is a descendant of one of the 383 enslaved folks freed in Virginian John Randolph’s will.   He had purchased land for them in Mercer County, Ohio, but they were never allowed to take possession.  Paisha and others are telling the story and seeking justice (7 minute documentary HERE).

Kelsey Ellingsen talked about her work at COTA and the attention being given to extending reliable transportation across the region. 

We usually come away from these events with awareness of at least a dozen new things one could put on one’s calendar.  All good things. 

It can be a bit much.

But yesterday I went away with a new thought: What a gift to be inundated with good things, with committed people putting their passion and skills toward the work of repair, peacemaking, and justice-doing.  What an honor to be surrounded by so much goodness that it’s difficult to choose which good thing to give one’s time to.

I wish this good problem on you – to be surrounded by too many good things to give your attention to.  And to have the wisdom to know which small part is yours to play, and for that to be enough. 
