Daily Connector | A new kinda hustle | Jenny Campagna

I am counseling from home via telehealth exclusively which means I get to see my clients’ spaces and meet their dogs and cats like I used to do when I was an intensive home based therapist.  I am also spending time in the virtual world with loved ones. Included is a FaceTime snap of my sister Heather and I rivaling for #bestpandemichairdo.  There is also one of my nine-month old grandbaby bouncing while I grate carrots for a carrot cake.  There is a third one of my eldest, Noah trying to work but not wanting to hang up on me.  Multitasking, all of us, even baby Anthony.



There is still so much to do!  My clients and I have been musing about the frenetic creation of goals. For some reason we plan to know a lot of new things in two weeks. Maybe have our houses painted?  Have abs of steel? Make perfect sourdough bread? It’s a new kinda hustle.  Are we trading our drive time for an alternate frenzy?  Are we "shoe horning" in activities at home too? I was enrolled in a yearlong plus training program to get my Registered Expressive Arts Therapist designation beginning January 2020.  The remaining trainings were canceled in person.  I am zooming with my cohort now like so many of us.  It is good to see their faces but like my precious grandbaby, we are not in the same room, we are not dancing together in one art filled space.  This fact hurts my heart. To center myself, I am continuing with my daily art practice for the second month.  I paint, I move, I journal, I title. 




Rich insight presents itself.  I lean into releasing the angst of this brand new challenge, resisting the new hustle and embracing the creativity.


In addition to the pics, I'm including this link to our (Tom, Abbie, Phil, Steve, Stella, and me) rendition of Warm Love from this past fall because I think we could all use some. Looking forward to being with you all in the future!

Warm Love,