Worship Preview

These next three weeks of worship will complete a summer series, honor an anniversary, and set a trajectory that will take us all the way into Advent.  Here is a preview of these Sundays:

August 25 | Accessibility and Inclusivity, Communion

I can’t think of a more liturgically rich way to end our four-week series on our Vision for Ministry and its focus on accessibility and inclusivity than sharing together in Communion.  In Communion, we remember God’s solidarity with our bodies, broken and whole each one, nourished through Divine generosity and the abundance of creation in bread and juice.

September 1 | Sanctuary People

This Sunday marks the seven-year anniversary of Edith first entering sanctuary.  Throughout her stay, we were visited and encouraged by Dr. Gina Perez, Professor of Comparative American Studies at Oberlin College.  Dr. Perez has recently written a book titled Sanctuary People: Faith-Based Organizing in Latina/o Communities.  She will be our guest speaker, sharing more about her book during the Cookie Sunday fellowship hour. 

September 8 | Narrative Lectionary and the Beginning of the Sunday School Year

Last year we experimented with an alternative lectionary that follows the narrative arc of scripture.  There are four cycles of readings, and this year we’ll start again in Genesis and follow the cycle that travels through the Gospel of Luke.  This is also the first Sunday of our Christian Education year for children and adults during the 11-Noon hour. 

May our worship form and transform our lives,
