Because religious organizations are often the most outspoken against fully embracing LGBTQ persons in church and society at large, we feel it is important to state outright that we affirm LGBTQ persons for membership, marriage, and ministry, and believe God’s love is manifested in a beautiful variety of persons and relationships.
We see in Jesus one who lived an ethic of love and saved his harshest critique for those who drew sharp lines to define who was in and who was out of the community. We find in the early church a breaking down of the dividing walls that previously separated persons once deemed outsiders. We rejoice that the fruit of the Spirit the Apostle Paul spoke of in Galations 5:22 as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control is present in the lives of all persons no matter what their sexual orientation or gender identity.
As a congregation we have made these commitments:
+ Columbus Mennonite Church shall welcome into its membership all who affirm our Membership Commitment statement. Neither sexual orientation nor gender identity shall be criteria for membership.
+ We affirm our pastors’ full participation in pastoral care, rites, and blessings for all individuals and families, including marriage preparation counseling, weddings, and child dedications.
+ Neither sexual orientation nor gender identity will be a factor in hiring decisions for CMC employees.
We are a member of Supportive Communities Network.