Worship | Thanksgiving Service | November 21


The video above includes the full service, except for the time for sharing.

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained through One License with license A-727859.

Gathering with Gratitude



Land Acknowledgement 

Call to Worship

Peace Candle 

VT 806 | Called by Earth and Sky

Giving From Our Abundance

Scripture | Litany of Thanksgiving

Children’s Time 

Offering for Clintonville Resource Center

Offering/Dedication Prayer

Sharing Our Stories

VT 419 | Great Is Thy Faithfulness | v.1

Gratitude Reflection | Mary Yoder 

VT 419 | v.2

Gratitude Reflection | Kyle Kerley

VT 419 | v.3

Gratitude Reflection | Ruth Leonard

Silent Reflection

VT 114 | Nun danket alle Gott (Now Thank We All Our God)

Sharing of Joys and Concerns

Pastoral Prayer 

Leaving with a Thankful Heart

Passing the Peace

Extinguishing the Peace Candle 


VT 436 | O Lord My God/How Great Thou Art


Christian Education | 11:00 am

Thanks to everyone who helped lead today’s service

Reflections | Mary Yoder, Kyle Kerley, Ruth Leonard

Worship Leader | Lavonne van der Zwaag

Music coordination | Katie Graber

Musicians | Amy Glick, Katie Graber, Nina Graber-Nofziger

Children’s Time | Debra Martin

Peace Candle | TBD

Scripture Reading | TBD

Zoom Host | Mike Ryan-Simkins

Camera operator | Joel Copeland

Sound operator | Dan Halterman

Worship Table | Lavonne van der Zwaag

Greeter | Megan Stauffer-Miller

Usher/Sanctuarian | Kris Coble