Worship | Cultivating Beloved Community | August 1


The video above includes the full service, except for the time for sharing.

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained through One License with license A-727859.

Order of Worship | August 1 | Cultivating Beloved Community 



Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge we are gathering on land where Miami, Osage, Shawnee, and other Indigenous peoples have lived and labored, fought, and loved. We continue to work and pray for justice and conciliation.      

Call to Worship

We join today with those worshiping all over the world, especially those in Thailand, Sudan and Colombia.

Some gather outdoors, some in churches, some at home.

We gather because here we find the one who gives us hope.

Hope for healing, hope for unity.

We gather under the banner of Beloved Community

Because all are children of the one who loves us.

We gather protected by vaccines, masks and distance.

We gather so that we can feel close to each other.

We are here because we have struggled with our own endurance.

In the end, we have been blessed with strength and hope.

We have come, let us worship God.

Let us celebrate the reality and becoming a Beloved Community.

Peace Candle 

As we worship in place today, we light a Peace Candle in our home. May this flame be a sign of our prayer for peace within us, among us, to the ends of the earth. The flame joins us in spirit across distance, along with our sister church in Armenia, Colombia.

VT 10 | Here in This Place

Children’s Time/Senior Blanket Blessing 

Offering/Dedication Prayer

VT 485 | Put Peace into Each Other’s Hands

Mission Moment: Colombia Sister Church

Scripture | Colossians 3:12-14

Sermon | David Emch

Silent Reflection

Sermon | Yasir Makki

Silent Reflection

VT 802 | Draw the Circle

Sharing of Joys and Concerns

Pastoral Prayer 

Passing the Peace

Extinguishing the Peace Candle 

As we extinguish our peace candles, we do so acknowledging that while we held this yearning for peace corporately during this service, that yearning goes with each of us now.  As we part, we carry the flame in our hearts until we meet again.  

VT 832 | The Lord Lift You Up



Cookie Sunday | 11:00 am


Thanks to everyone who helped lead today’s service

Sermon: Yasir Makki, David Emch

Worship Leader: Robin Walton

Music coordination: Phil Hart

Children’s Time and Blanket Blessing: Mark Rupp

Mission Moment: Phil Hart

Peace Candle & Scripture Reading: Diane Mueller

Sound: Paul Knapke

Camera Operator: Joel Copeland

Zoom Host: Mike Ryan-Simkins

Greeter: Gwen Reiser

Usher and Sanctuarian: Fred Suter

Worship Table: Marlene Suter