-Selections for piano
–Arioso (Thanks Be to God) George Frederick Handel
Welcome and Opening Prayer
VT 617 | When Peace Like A River
Open Sharing
The Heavens are Telling (from The Creation) Franz Josef Haydn
Scripture Reading | 1 Corinthians 15:51-58
VT 340 | Lift Your Glad Voices
Closing Prayer
Thanks to everyone who helped with the service
Worship Leader | Rev. Robin Walton
Meditation | Pastor Joel Miller
Song Leader, Pianist | Tom Blosser
Obituary Reading | Nancy Franke
Poem | Written and read by Mary Lauback
Scripture | Pastor Mark Rupp
Remembrances | Julianne Ash, Pat Forman
Music Video | Pastor Kevin Himes, piano;
Herb Himes, organ
Visual Setting | Robin Walton
Sound Operation | Galen Martin
Camera Operation | Chris McCarthy
Zoom Host | Sarah Werner
Parking | Krisann Applegate, Debra Martin
Usher | Dan Lehman
Memorial donations may be made to
Columbus Mennonite Church or to Bluffton University,
c/o Auble Funeral Home, 512 E. Oak St., Orrville, OH 44667.