Do Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly.

Micah 6:8

Sunday morning worship: 9:30 am; Christian Education Classes: 11:00 am


Columbus Mennonite Church is an inclusive congregation seeking to follow Jesus’ teachings of love to all, justice for all, and fellowship with all. We invite you to come journey with us in the way of Christ.

Our Vision: God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to grow as a community of grace, joy, and peace so that God’s healing and hope flow through us to the world.

2024 Service Trip to West Virginia


Worship | November 24

Gratitude Reflections | Kevin Steiner, Cindy Fath, Heidi Wyse

Scripture | Jeremiah 31:31-34; 1 Thessalonians 5:15-21

The worship service is also available by Zoom. Contact the church office if you would like the link.

Upcoming Events

Harvest Potluck


Our annual Harvest Potluck will be November 3 at noon, following the congregational meeting. Please bring a dish made from the bounty of your garden (or someone else's). Remember, no nuts! Gluten free items are appreciated! Bring your own place settings to make it more environmentally friendly. We hope to see you there!


Cone flower with honey bee

Grief, Connection and a Tree’s Funeral

by Bethany Davey I’m mourning the death of a tree. Two weeks ago, one of our neighborhood trees unexpectedly fell victim to an impending gas line project. Though we had received numerous notices about the project—always slated for the ambiguous future—we had not been informed that trees would be removed….

Upcoming Events

Harvest Potluck


Our annual Harvest Potluck will be November 3 at noon, following the congregational meeting. Please bring a dish made from the bounty of your garden (or someone else's). Remember, no nuts! Gluten free items are appreciated! Bring your own place settings to make it more environmentally friendly. We hope to see you there!


Holy, Holy, Holy, the whole earth is full of glory. It’s here. It’s everywhere. It’s even partially detectable to the human eye, despite the very small spectrum of light our brains can perceive. 0.0035 percent, Google says. That’s how much of the electromagnetic spectrum the human eye can see. There aren’t good stats yet on the percentage of spiritual consciousness we’re able to detect.
The story of Jonah invites us to consider the many ways in which God speaks through “earth-y” elements. This prophet’s journey also invites us to confront our own perceptions of enemy and Other.
This is the widow of Zarephath.  An unnamed woman remembered for her loss- a widow, and her place – Zarephath, a village outside the boundaries of Israel, outside the territory ruled by Ahab and Jezebel.  It’s that second part of her story, her foreignness, that Jesus highlights to his listeners in Luke chapter 4.
The promise of God is not bound up in a location, a specific ruler, a denomination, a political party, or a nation. Rather it is an invitation to a future built on both righteousness and justice. A promise that love conquers death and that a better world is not only possible but that God can be found dwelling wherever and whenever we live into that promise.

Upcoming Events

Harvest Potluck


Our annual Harvest Potluck will be November 3 at noon, following the congregational meeting. Please bring a dish made from the bounty of your garden (or someone else's). Remember, no nuts! Gluten free items are appreciated! Bring your own place settings to make it more environmentally friendly. We hope to see you there!