Do Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly.
Micah 6:8
Sunday morning worship: 9:30 am; Christian Education Classes: 11:00 amWelcome!
Columbus Mennonite Church is an inclusive congregation seeking to follow Jesus’ teachings of love to all, justice for all, and fellowship with all. We invite you to come journey with us in the way of Christ.
Our Vision: God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to grow as a community of grace, joy, and peace so that God’s healing and hope flow through us to the world.

March 30, 2025
Thrown Alongside | Lent 4
Sermon: Sarah Werner
Scripture: Luke 16:19-31
The worship service is also available by Zoom. Contact the church office if you would like the link.
Upcoming Events

Congregational Meeting & Youth Group Fundraiser Meal
Save the date for our spring Congregational Meeting, followed by our Youth Group Fundraiser Meal! Sunday April 6, 2025 following worship. At the Congregational Meeting, we will celebrate the work of this past church year and vote on the new leadership slate, among other agenda items. Stay after for a delicious meal served by our youth groups! We hope to see you there!

Impending D(Bl)oom
Impending D(Bl)oom “You have made the moon to mark the seasons; the sun knows its times for setting.” Psalm 104:19 The Psalmist takes comfort in the regularity of the seasons, even the daily rising and setting of the sun. They celebrate it as a sign of Divine faithfulness amidst the…
Upcoming Events

Congregational Meeting & Youth Group Fundraiser Meal
Save the date for our spring Congregational Meeting, followed by our Youth Group Fundraiser Meal! Sunday April 6, 2025 following worship. At the Congregational Meeting, we will celebrate the work of this past church year and vote on the new leadership slate, among other agenda items. Stay after for a delicious meal served by our youth groups! We hope to see you there!
Upcoming Events

Congregational Meeting & Youth Group Fundraiser Meal
Save the date for our spring Congregational Meeting, followed by our Youth Group Fundraiser Meal! Sunday April 6, 2025 following worship. At the Congregational Meeting, we will celebrate the work of this past church year and vote on the new leadership slate, among other agenda items. Stay after for a delicious meal served by our youth groups! We hope to see you there!